The Tech

At Decimal we are driven toward helping clients run their venues as efficiently as possible, save goodbye to spreadsheets! Leverage our extensive experience with hospitality management technology platforms to grow your venue’s profitability with ease.

Want some advice on what systems are best for you? …… Get in touch today

Hospitality Tech Stack Advice & Implementation

What’s a tech stack I hear you ask? Think of it as a connected set of apps working together to help you (& your staff) run your venue professionally & profitably.

We can help you choose the right platforms for your venue as well as help with the set up, implementation & training of your staff.

  • Hospitality Management Systems Reviews
  • Hospitality Tech Stack Advisory
  • Hospitality Technology Platform Implementation & to drive improvement

Hospitality Management Systems Support

To get the maxim value out of a great hospitality tech stack it’s critical that used and maintained correctly! Let us take the stress out of keeping

These systems out to date and working optimally for you.

  • Post Implementation Staff Training
  • Post Implementation Support
  • System Data Maintenance (E.g Setting up New Products, Managing Order Receivals)
  • Systems Enhancements & Optimisations

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