The One %ers

Great hospitality businesses deliver exceptional customer experiences that drive long term sustainable profitability. At Decimal we have a deep understanding of the key areas of a hospitality operation that drive financial success.

Here’s how we can get you those extra 1%ers…… Get in touch today

How do you compare to the venue down the road?

At Decimal we have expertise supporting a broad range of hospitality venues across WA, here’s what we’ll bring to the table:

  • Industry Benchmarking Knowledge
  • Operational & Financial Expertise across Cafés, Restaurants, Small Bars, Pubs, Hotels & More
  • Comprehensive understanding of key profit drivers and
    how to drive improvement

How do I improve the key profit drivers in my business?

We can help you manage & optimise the two major costs in a hospitality venue … COGS and Wages, here’s how:

  • Payroll Costing & Analysis
  • Roster Forecasting
  • Food & Beverage Menu Costing
  • Food & Beverage COGS Analysis & Optimisation
  • Supplier Tendering & Agreement Analytics & Advisory

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